Six months ago, I went to the doctor’s office for my annual check up and got hit up with high cholesterol and high sugar. Hello 40’s!
My internist gave me 2 choices – either lower my cholesterol by changing my diet, or I’d have to take medication. No sooner did I leave the doctors office, I called my good friend, Tanya Zuckerbrot, a nationally-known dietitian and creator of the renowned F-Factor Diet for help.
Interesting to note that Tanya’s early work was with helping patients lower their cholesterol or to control diabetes. She discovered that all of her patients improved their clinical conditions – and lost weight without hunger, by following a lifestyle diet that was rich in dietary fiber.
One week after my doctors visit, I was in Tanya’s office with a solid game plan. She promised I could drastically lower my cholesterol and blood sugar if I diligently followed her plan of a high fiber and protein diet at each meal. This meant lots of GG crackers (raisin honey flavor are the bomb), peanut butter – the real kind, egg whites (only 3 whole eggs per week), smoked salmon, Alouette cheese, chicken, beef and lots of salads and veggies. I also was not to indulge in any sugar except for fruit and alcohol – duh!
Three months after our initial appointment, I returned to my internist for blood work. Not only did my cholesterol decrease by 40 points, but my sugar level also decreased. As a bonus, I also lost 3 pounds! After my notable success, I recognized that it was Tanya’s dedication and devotion to my health and well being, that made all the difference. Tanya, you are the shiz and I am forever thankful.
Yours Truly,
A GG devotee for evs and evs.
Fiber for the win! Happy for you!