Last month I reached out to my readers to see what kind of content they wanted to read about on Fortune Inspired. Some of you requested that I share some words of wisdom from accomplished women that inspire me.
I chose to reach out to some successful influencers whose opinion I value, as I felt I too, could gain from their advice.
I hope you are able to take away some meaningful lessons from these boss babes.
Katie Sands of @HonestlyKate
I think that the most important lesson I learned is never to be afraid to ask for what you want because the worst thing that can happen is that someone will say no. So many times we create stories in our head of why we won’t reach out to someone and shut down the idea before you even giving the person a chance to respond.
Adi Heyman of @AdiHeyman Influencer/Founder of Jewish Fashion Council
Choose to believe in yourself. Choose to believe in others.
Your belief will create energy and you give life to what you give energy to.
Watch the impossible be doable; your relationships change the world.
Never underestimate showing up for yourself or others.
Kim Kushner of @KimKushnerCuisine/Cookbook Author
If I’ve learned one thing in my 40 years it’s to stay true to yourself. Go with your gut and follow your intuition because at the end of the day -your body, your heart & your mind can tell you a lot. Everybody sees things through their own lens. Just because one person sees something a certain way, it doesn’t mean that it makes it definitive. This includes advice. Even a very experienced business person may not have the right advice for you. Everybody sees things through their own lens, and perspective is everything. Follow your heart.
Lainy Hedaya of @LainyHedaya/Creative Consultant
“The greatest lesson I have ever learned is that there are always 3 sides to a story… each side is a truth, but never the full picture”
Lauren Elyce of @LaurenElyce/Personal Trainer
One of the most important life lessons I’ve learned over the past few years: Identify your WHY. Whether it’s why you want to start a business or why you want to lose those last 5 lbs or why you want to save a certain amount of money – figure out the reason that will ground you to your work and your goals. When you start to lose steam or lack motivation or want to give up, remember your WHY and then get back to it!
Caroline Bramlett of @LCB Style
Stay curious and always keep learning. Ask questions to those around you, reach out to others, and never be afraid of hearing “no.” Many times, “no” means just “not right now,” and it’s not forever… circle back when times have changed! You never know what doors may open or where a path may lead without stepping out of your comfort zone!
Tanya Zuckerbrot of @Tanya Zuckerbrot MS, RD, CEO and Founder of F-Factor/Influencer
Years ago, when I was a client of William Morris Endeavor, there was a phrase they would use, “the power of the pass.” Essentially, their advice was to not jump on every opportunity that comes your way, but rather be more discerning. This may feel completely counterintuitive, especially early in your career when you think you should grab every opportunity that presents itself in order to advance your career. However, being more discerning can work in your favor. When you pass on “opportunities” that are distractions or insignificant in nature, you can put your focus into projects that are more in line with your long-term goals
Camille Carter of @CharmedBy Camille/Blogger & Co-Founder Of @wearekccollective
I think it’s really important in any industry to have a passion for the job you want. Passion translates into a willingness to learn, determination, and tenacity when a job gets difficult (and it always will).
I thought I’d also share some important lessons that I too have learned along the way.
- I’ve found that the only way to grow in life and business is to push yourself out of your comfort zone.
- If you’ve reached out to someone and they don’t respond, do not take it as rejection. I’ve had people thank me for following up with them as they had so many emails in their inbox and they somehow overlooked mine.
- It’s ok to ask for help and it’s ok not to have all the answers.
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