This month’s list is a wish list of sorts – not necessarily about things I am coveting, (yet that one does exist!) but things that I’d liken to happen but unlikely.
I wish…
- Schools offered cocktail hour before parent teacher conferences
- I had the metabolism of a man
- I could make ONE dinner that all 3 kids actually liked
- I didn’t stare in the mirror so often
- I wish I did not have to face an empty toilet paper roll at the wrong time in the right place
- I didn’t have mothers guilt
- I didn’t have Jewish guilt (make that no guilt at all!)
- Pizza and pasta were proteins and not carbs
- Men could just get their periods once
- Men could experience just 1 trimester of pregnancy (not even thinking about childbirth)
- My trainer was more accurate in counting reps. Who wants to do an extra push up? #whitegirlproblems
- My kids didn’t fill my Amazon cart with 149 things
- I didn’t love my birthday so much
- I didn’t cry on my birthday
- That just once, I would choose the fastest line at the market, airport or at the bank, just once!
- I understood 9th grade math (science too)
- There was no such thing as a waiting room because who wants to wait?
- I had blonde hair
You ar adorable! Ditto on all
Xo Elaine Dweck
Number 10!!!!