1. Turbulence that arises while you’re in the bathroom
2. A middle seat
3. A middle seat… that doesn’t recline
4. The last seat in the back of the plane
5. Packing your own lunch and forgetting utensils
6. People with raging coughs in the seat ahead or behind you
7. When your kids tell you they feel nauseous
8. When your kids throw up on the plane from feeling nauseous
9. Getting stuck behind the beverage cart
10. Flight attendants who move at a lightning speed so they can’t be flagged down
11. Negotiating elbow space
12. Expecting a sun filled vacation and and getting rain
13. In need of a vacation after your vacation
14. Getting the pat down at security (unless that’s your thing)
15. When you want the window up on the plane but the person next to you wants it down.
16. When the guy seated next to you is wearing shorts and flip flops on the way back to NY in the winter
17. When you ask for water and the flight attendant hands you a bottle called “Aquarius”. I’d rather be thirsty
18. Coming home…Duh!
Bonus pour moi: When a passengers dog poops right near your seat mid air and you’re stuck for the rest of the flight. For real…
Fortune im peeing from you…. All of what u said is
Most likely a carbon copy of everyone and there’s only one solution…first class baby…. Ain’t nuttin better for the in flight experience… Sans the kids ofcourse…
You make me laugh! Love this list, it’s very true – mostly what I think but haven’t ever written down !