Many of you have requested that I dedicate a post on how to stay healthy and positive. It could be because of our current climate or perhaps it’s the beginning of a new season and y’all wanna fresh start. Whatever the reason, the fact is, your intentions are in the right place and I dig it. As I’ve mentioned in previous posts, I truly appreciate all the suggestions you send my way. I love giving meaningful thought to topics like this and share advice that I feel you can benefit from.
Think Positive Be Positive
On more than one occasion, I’ve mentioned keeping a gratitude journal, ok, on many occasions, but noting each morning 3 things that you are grateful for, really does help keep a sunnier and brighter perspective on things. This list of gratitude can include something as small as getting a good night’s sleep, a smile from a loved one, or noticing flowers in full bloom. I highly recommend the 5 Minute Journal and remember consistency is key to making any kind of progress.
Another morning ritual I’ve added to my repertoire is doing a “brain dump” also known as one’s morning pages. After I meditate, I sit down with my journal and literally write down whatever comes to mind ie a “stream of consciousness”. I’ve just begun doing these morning pages and ideally, this is supposed to be a daily ritual but I’ve been able to commit to 3 days a week so far – progress not perfection right? What are the benefits? A clearer mind, less anxiety, and more space to let in creative ideas.
Healthy Life, Healthy Body, Healthy Mind
Leading a healthy lifestyle is a combination of honoring both your mind and body. It’s about self-care both physically and mentally.
It’s about eating a balanced diet and moving your body a few times a week. Be sure to find physical activities that you enjoy so it’s more of a positive experience rather than a tedious one.
Meditation is something I practice as often as possible to help calm and quiet the mind. I’m also a big believer in therapy, but If therapy isn’t your thing, having a good friend, family member, or confidant you can speak to and openly share your feelings with is important.
Good Friends Are Like Stars. You Don’t Always See Them But You Know They’re Always There
Human connection, virtually, or in-person is necessary and important to our overall mental health. One need not have a whole Rolodex of friends (did I just date myself?)
If you have 1 or 2 really good friends, consider yourself lucky. What do I mean by a good friend? Someone who lifts you up, who when you leave a lunch or coffee date, you feel better than when you arrived. A good friend is someone who is always there for you and nonjudgemental. A good friend is someone who loves you and accepts you unconditionally not only at your highs but at your lows.
Whatever. I’ll Just Date Myself
I recently began reading The Artist’s Way which is a course in discovering and recovering one’s creative self. I’ve only read Chapter 1 so far but one of the homework assignments that they recommend, that I’m excited about, is scheduling a date with yourself once a week for 2 hours. I love the idea of carving out time to explore let’s say a new neighborhood, visit a museum, or curl up a read a new novel. This is experience is said to be essential to self-nurturing.
Awareness Is The Greatest Agent Of Change
Something that I continue to work on, is being aware of my thoughts. Many of us have the habit of engaging in negative self-talk or falling victim to the voices in our heads that say destructive things like you’re not good enough, or you’re not skinny enough.
Having awareness and noticing but not engaging is the first step towards leading a more positive lifestyle.
In A World Where You Can Be Anything Be Kind
Doing an act of kindness for someone else goes a long way. Even the smallest gesture like smiling at a stranger, holding the door open for someone, or giving an unexpected compliment, can affect someone else’s day for the better and in turn, will brighten up your day as well. As the saying goes, there is no better gift than giving.
What are some ways you stay healthy and positive? I’d love to hear!
Note: This article reflects my thoughts and opinions. Please consult a physician before making lifestyle changes.
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