Aaaah. Spa life. How sweet it is. This past weekend, My husband and I and our eldest daughter, went to the Miraval Resort & Spa in Tucson, Arizona.
This luxurious retreat which sits on over 400 acres of land was pure bliss. What made this spa getaway so enjoyable were the variety of fitness and personal growth classes offered, the zen like spa, idyllic scenery, quality time spent with the family, delicious cuisine, and cocktail hour of course.
Though I sampled many classes like spinning, extreme core blast, and zen boot camp, my favorite was cardio drumming. This high energy class involved choreographed cardio moves along with drumming a medicine ball. It truly channeled my inner child.
My most adventurous physical activity involved a trail run where I came in close contact with cows, coyotes and foxes. I was ok with the coyotes and foxes as they were at a safe distance. The cows? Well holy cow! They were no more than 15 feet ahead of me. I was paralyzed until my guide asked me if I’ve ever heard of anyone being bitten by a cow. I dutifully continued the run, feeling bad ass back at the base.
At the spa, I sampled different services based on their names. I know this sounds vain but how could I not try treatments such as Shamana Karma and Wanderlust? Each afternoon, I was indulgently lathered in a variety of aromatherapy oils lulling me into a restful state.
In the evenings before dinner, I signed up for different personal growth classes and one Tibetan Chakra balancing journey. Each one was a mindful experience with invaluable life lessons.
A big part of the Miraval experience is overcoming fear, letting go and living in the moment.
I was so proud to have overcome one of my fears which was horseback riding. Together with my husband and daughter, we rode for over an hour and it was quite a peaceful and liberating experience.
The evenings were a wonderful time for us to come together as a family, reconnect after our day and sample the unique spa cuisine. While it wasn’t the typical vegan spa food, I appreciated the unique menus and the focus on portion control.
Each day was a gift. Along, with this unique experience, I realized my growing love for the outdoors and have a deeper appreciation for the American landscape.
As a bonus I was also able to cross off state number 16 off my bucket list!
To learn more about the Miraval Resort & Spa – visit:

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