At least I don’t leave the empty toilet paper roll for someone else to replace
At least there are baby lamb chops to look forward to when parties don’t go as planned
At least I failed my permit test only once
At least I’m awesome at the doggie paddle stroke
At least the mannequin can’t get pissed when I copy her exact outfit
At least I look around me before I eat something off the floor (10 second rule applies)
At least I learned how to wear tampons by 27 years old
At least there was no caller ID when I used to call up my crushes and then hang up
At least I only shot myself once with a paint gun
At least I buy self help books even if I don’t read them
At least I can admit I used to secretly bark at dogs that were on leashes
At least I don’t dance in front of the mirror any more
At least I don’t make believe I missed my aim at the garbage can
At least I haven’t given up on trying to master the selfie
At least I admit my attempt to having portraits taken of my husband and me at Baby’s R Us. (read: no kids)
At least I only reversed into a parked car once
At least I was responsible enough to leave a note when I crashed into the parked car
At least I own my appreciation for 106.7FM. Delilah, you’re my hero
At least I never try and get away with waiting on the “12 items and less” aisle at the supermarket
At least I recognize I am only cheating myself when I purposefully arrive at my training session 10 minutes late
At least I learned how to hand wash my clothes on vacation this year
At least I admit, embarrassingly enough, I do pick out my plane outfits in advance
At least I don’t try and fake sleep for a reaaaally long time
At least I always finish whatever food is on my plate. When I don’t, its because I am being a skinny b**ch!!!
At least I read the Daily Skimm to catch up on world events
At least I can hold in my stomach when I’m feeling bloated. Who cares if I can’t breathe
At least I can make a good time out of getting towed on the turnpike
Nothing to do with this list but a great idea I’d like share…How about I invent a scale that tells us the number we’d like to see? Who cares if its a lie!
At least I know what’s in the bag of every celeb. Thanks, US magazine.
At least I don’t plan to lie about my height the next time I have to renew my license
At least I have come to appreciate The Discovery Channel with my husband
At least I smile at jokes I don’t always get
At least I put my hands up in the air on kiddie rides. Yeah, I am a bad ass.

At least I wear matching socks
At least I realize that politics is not my strong point
At least I shared a piece of my muffin with my daughter even though I didn’t really want to
At least I don’t have to wear reading glasses just yet
At least I don’t fear the word “no”
At least I’m tough enough to get botox sans numbing cream. Don’t ask me about laser.
This is my favorite list so far! I literally laughed out loud “at least” 39 times! Xxxxx
Love the video clip!!! Never a dull moment- lucky us who get to be part of a few of them.
Hahaha love this! Love you! Funniest list yet! Xoxo
Fortunee, you’re one of a kind! you’re a needle in the haystack!!!!! Hilarious!
BTW, Marcelle and you make a great comedy team!
Mom and Dad
Can’t breathe from this or the video!!!!!
Wishing you were 99 so I could keep laughing… One of a kind!!
Too too funny luv that video!!
you crack me up!!
love reading your posts , especially ur 39 lists!
Best list so far…love you and you’re take on’d a bunch of times xx