This months list comes in two parts: Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to be a man and other times I’m so grateful I’m all woman. Here are my reasons. I’d love to hear yours…Please do share!
9 reasons why I’m happy I’m not a man:
Let’s begin with the Jewish right of passage – bris (aka genital mutilation) – I think I’ll pass on this one.
I’d much prefer my boobs than man boobs.
For the most part, we don’t go bald as quickly.
Who wants to stand up to use the potty?
Why would I want to tinkle publicly in a urinal?
Black tie is literally black tie – so chic yet I’d probably consider cross dressing if I were a guy
Too much pressure of having to hold the door for every woman who passed my way
Too much body hair to keep up with
Don’t want to generalize, but as a woman in my household…I get a free pass on all light bulb changes, mechanic repairs, and hauling heavy loads.
9 reasons why I wish I were a man:
I hate wearing bras.
I wouldn’t mind standing up to tinkle in public bathrooms. It avoids germs and squatting can sometimes hurt my quads…
Limited fashion options equals less stress in the closet.
Less body conscious – how many men actually hold their stomachs in?
No labor pains, no child birth, no stretch marks, no insane nightly cravings.
Men don’t have to worry about panty lines – no Spanx – no thongs – just good old cotton boxers.
They have a quicker metabolism and less bloat -damn you all.
Because once in a while, I’d like to break open a bottle of beer, plop my self on the couch staring at the TV – remote in hand, without sitting crossed legged for an infinite amount of time, without judgment, without responding to multiple mom calls, of course with a bag of chips and dips that I won’t regret the following morning.
Love this !!
Also love mr. D in the pic and the way he looks at u!!
Lucky girl! Enjoy!!