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I derive much pleasure from inspiring you about things that I’m passionate about. Now more than ever, I would like to inspire you with 4 creative ways to keep busy and hopefully lift your spirits.
For People Who Love To Eat
One of my friends, Tanya Serure, came up with a brilliant idea.
For one week, she invited her family to a different themed dinner each evening. Think Asian night a la sushi, Mexican night a la Taco, Texan BBQ a la rib steak and Italian night a la pasta. She and her family got creative and dressed up in costume according to each theme. How freakin’ cute???
If you have younger children at home, I think this is an ingenious idea that can spark a bit of curiosity while developing an appreciation for different cultures. If you’re up to it, include the children in the meal prep, which can be educational, creative and bonding, definitely messy, but a totally worth it experience.
For those who have older children at home, are empty-nesters, or are social distancing with a partner, you can totally get in on the fun too. As far as I’m concerned, we’re never too old to play dress up. You can also spice things up by adding a cocktail to match the theme, ie sake for sushi night and Margheritas for Mexican night.
If you are solo, why not invite a friend via zoom and get in on the fun?
Let’s Stay In And Watch Movies
O.K., so we may not have a choice in our current situation but we do have a choice about making the best of it so here’s an idea for you guys.
Have whoever you are hunkered down with and you, write down 3 movies you’d like to watch. Place all requests in a bowl and dedicate one agreed-upon night of the week as a movie night. Each week another person chooses a movie from the bowl, blindfolded – no peeking allowed.
Get the popcorn popping, and if you’re in the mood, why not a glass of bubbly or a warm cup of tea, whatever floats your boat.
There are so many riveting genres to choose from and a wonderful opportunity to watch something you might never have chosen on your own. For purposes of a mood booster, I would suggest to sticking to comedies, dramas, documentaries, and my faves, rom coms:)))
You Are What You Manifest
Over the years, I’ve created my own vision boards, for both personal and career purposes. A vision board is made up of various cut-outs from magazines that are then pasted on an oaktag. These images should represent how you would like to envision your best life. It’s a way to visualize your most vivid dreams with the hopes of making them a reality. The images you select should also include ways you would like to feel, ie joy, healthy, etc… besides actual things.
If you don’t have access to magazines, you can create a digital collage by pulling images off the internet.
With more time for self-reflection and an eye towards post-self-distancing, this can be a productive exercise as well as a creative project that will leave you feeling excited about your future.
Also, here is an article from the Huffington Post that goes into detail on how to create a vision board if this idea interests you.
It’s Always The Small Pieces That Create The Big Picture
So I know this isn’t the most creative idea but there are ways to make completing a puzzle more fun and here they are:
1. Get your kids or partner/friend to join in.
2. When your puzzle is complete, glue it with some Mod Podge and have it framed.
3. Have a puzzle race with a friend and see who can complete the puzzle first.
4. Challenge yourself to complete a more complicated puzzle than you have never done before.
I thought I’d never ever do anything more than a 500 piece puzzle but by mistake, I ordered a 1,000 piece puzzle. Each night my daughters and I did a little part after dinner and it became a bonding and peaceful ritual. We were all so proud upon the completion. Waiting for the Mod Podge to arrive so that I can save it as quarantine 2020 memory.
Please share any fun and creative ways to keep busy. I would love to get inspired!
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