Good morning 4 month anniversary of my blog!
I am delighted to share my list of 39 Things That Annoy Me. Indulge me and please respond with things that annoy you. Who couldn’t use a laugh on a rainy Monday morning!
My seat on an international flight that does not recline
When a restaurant runs out of my first dinner option
Rushing to get somewhere and the person ahead of me is walking slowly
When a person before me sprinkles when they tinkle. What will the next person think who walks in to the stall?
Being mistaken for someone older
Hotels that require minimum night stays
Wedgies that happen in public
People that pick from candy bowls with their hands when there is a spoon available
When people on the phone say, “I’m going to let you go” when it’s really them that needs to hang up
Having to color my hair…Hello Grey
Being called a cougar before I officially could be called one
Being asked if I am tired, sick or expecting
Burning my tongue while anticipating the first delicious sip of something hot
Sales associate who tells me they’re out of stock of something before they have checked the system
Waking up to a rainy day after receiving a forecast of sunshine
A shower with barely any pressure
A mushy blueberry
Anticipating a good read that doesn’t get me passed page 10
Arriving at an empty restaurant and maitre d’ says there is no available seating
Feeling relieved for the one available stall in a public bathroom, only to find its clogged up
An empty gas tank on the one day you have no extra time to fill it
Setting my self up to list 39 things. Why couldn’t I have started this at age 18??
Missing an exit off the parkway because I am dreaming of some far off place like Mallorca
Not getting as many instagram likes as I thought I deserved
Having a silent conversation with foods I shouldn’t eat it, and then giving in
Running out of ink and paper when I am getting ready to print
Getting a phone call the moment I sit on the toilet
When a bird flies straight into your head (strange but true) and when a bird sh*ts on you and you are waiting for that good luck moment which never happens
Reaching the gym and realizing I forgot my headphones at home
Aiming at the waste basket and missing it
Taking Tylenol PM instead of regular Tylenol
Accidentally applying black mascara on my eyebrows instead of my eyelashes
Consistently losing at the game of memory with my kids. Yes I do really try to win
Being the only one to laugh in a crowded room. Then questioning whether the comment was meant to be funny
Coming up with a clever response way after the fact
Giving an enthusiastic hello and getting a mediocre response…yeah yeah yeah, I know…It’s them, not me
Enjoying Bat Mitvah parties way more than I should
Arriving at a store where the sales associate says, “Sorry we’re closed”. C’mon, how sorry are they?
When you have reached the age where someone comments, “You must not be a day over 20”
It’s amazing how many of those I truly resonate with but the one that aggravates me the most is the one when you give a warm smile to someone and it’s like they barely see you, and yes we’ve all been told it’s not us,it’s them, they have a problem. I never liked that excuse..I came up with some better ones…like,perhaps the person is constipated and there’s no bathroom in sight, maybe they are holding in a fart! Or maybe just maybe, the person is truly miserable inside and can’t stand the fact that you are happy enough to smile at them for no other reason than you are just happy enough inside to be smiling at them.
In my twenties I also thought gray hair was for people in their fifties, not us 39 year olds. I hate when someone leaves a carton milk or juice that is so small it couldn’t fill your bowl of cereal or a full swallow of OJ. Keep up the great blogs.
This list made my smile. You are insightful and witty- both signs of great intelligence. Xxxx