I never thought I would be writing a post on tampons but I wanted to pass on what I recently read about in Gwenyth Paltrow’s Goop site.
Apparently, Glyphosate is a human carcinogen that can be found in non-organic tampons thus potentially introducing this harmful substance into your lady parts. I never heard of organic tampons but I immediately went on to Jessica Alba’s Honest website (am I name dropping or what?) and purchased an abundance of organic feminine hygiene products.
F.Y.I. Non organic cotton is sprayed with a ton of pesticides.
Organic pads and tampons can also be found at your local health food store and Whole Foods.

Wanna know how to figure out weather or not you
Are a good writer/blogger?
When a fan reads a blog she has absolutly no need for just for the the sole purpose of entertainment.
Unfortunately, Mother Nature waved her nasty bitch wand at me four years ago and took away my cycle… I am as far as I know the youngest walking encyclopedia on menopause.
Anyways, I read the post for entertainment purposes only and as usual u never disappoint.
PS I’m obsessed w the Honest lavender hand soap, Target sells most of her line but not nearly enough!