While I was in Florence a couple of weeks ago, my husband and I happened upon a cute little discotheque, La Dolce Vita, at the Plaza de Carmine. It was a quaint yet very lively space with Florentines energetically dancing around the DJ booth.
What I noticed immediately was most of these women were quite stylish yet none of them were wearing designer labels or anything that was remotely au currant.
Their hair was not coiffed and all were fashioned in jeans with button down shirts or sweaters with chunky necklaces and scarves. It was effortless chic. I was inspired by their inherent sense of style and ability to not take life or fashion so seriously. They were in the moment having a feel good time. Bellisimo.
Here was my version of Italian Style…

The Italian sense of style lives on! And so does yours.
Oh gd, me with curly hair id never make it passed the velvet rope, but cheers to all the au natural lovelies who can pull it off…I’m glued to my elchim…