Just finished devouring Net-a-Porters Fall issue with arresting Daria on the cover.
On the last page, makeup artist Bobbi Brown shares the golden rules she lives by.
I was quite inspired…
Take a look.
1. Do what you love. Love what you do. When you are passionate about something, your life is richer. If not your job, then start a hobby.
2. It is never too late to reinvent yourself; My father is the perfect example. His whole life he wrote children’s stories, but was a lawyer. When he retired, he finally followed his dreams.
3. Spread beauty – and not just the makeup kind, although I am always a fan of great lipstick. A kind person is the definition of beauty
4. The more you give in life, the more you get back. Give time, money, clothes, toys. Just give, and without any expectations of getting anything in return.
5. Keep it simple. Try not to overthink or complicate things.
6. Be a sponge. I’m 58 and still learn new things every day – it helps to be surrounded by youth.
7. Tell the truth. Nobody likes a liar. If you mess up, own up to it. If you have an opinion, share it. You’ll gain more respect if people know that can trust you are honest.
8. Do your best. Nobody can fault you if you work hard and give it your best shot.
9. Just breathe. We spend so much time working and socializing that we rarely check in with ourselves. There is a lot of healing power in just taking a deep breath.
10. Be who you are. Confidence is everything…although a little makeup can’t hurt.
As told by Bobbi Brown.
That was deep… But on a shallow note… I always bitch and moan when it takes me 90 minutes to get ready(including shower blowout creaming makeup accessorizing and trying on four different ensembles and looking at each in about ten different angles) and it takes my husband exactly 27 minutes including his shower for him to look perfect.
However… Every now and again when a clean close shave and his gel and kiehls moisturizer just
Isn’t cutting it and he doesn’t looks so great, he’s basically screwed. This is where the ladies have the upper hand… When I’m feeling less than my fabulous self I have my special tools that always do the trick… The instant self tanner face spray that gives me an instant non greasy non orangey glow…my extra pouty lipgloss, and strategically placed jeans heels and oatmeal beigey grey scarf that gives me the bright and chic lift my face needs. And ofcourse Bobbi Browns signature white lip gloss… Google how she came about creating it I think you will get a laugh out of it…
Without alittle make up and without my bag of tricks,the confidence level plummets! Superficial?
Maybe so… But at least its honest!