For my monthly 39 list, my sister suggested I compile a list of my many professions. Here they are past and present; some that I’ve attempted and others I have dreamt about. There are those I will never attempt again.
Shoe saleswoman
Camp counselor (until I was told not to come back)
Saleswoman at California Kids (at the Home Depot Shopping Center for those of you who are curious)
Travel agent
Licensed real estate broker
Advertising Coordinator for Mode Magazine
Editorial Assistant for Mode Magazine
Sold Flowers (I stole inventory from my parents next door neighbor.)
Attempted an acting class but no one else showed up
Bartending license
Ballroom dancer
Fashion Stylist
Wardrobe Consultant
Attempted hand modeling in college. (What was I thinking??)
I sold chestnuts
Does lemonade stand count?
Do garage sales count?
Does apartment tag sale count?
Sold Barrettes for my aunt Roxanne
Worked at Carlos Falchi
Designed my own clutch
Attempted to sell alligator clutches
Closet Organizer
Completed a Journalism class,specifically with the intention to interviews celebrities
Mother- currently in active duty
Tooth Fairy Extraordinaire

Professions Pondered…
Talk Show Host
Gift store owner
World Traveler for a travel magazine
Sweatpant designer
Part time snowboarder/part time hiker
Public relations
Creating a children’s radio station (no longer interested).
Hip Hop Dancer
Your passion for learning and exploration is amazing.
Fortune, you really have done almost all on your list. Maybe not all as a proffesion, but…………..
Camp counselor
We were counselors together. I remember it being a fun summer 😉
i can’t take you!! ..I need the emoji with tears cracking up for this one.
I remember the sweatpants