It’s monthly list time. Below are 18 things I do at the gym. Can any of you relate?
Share your comments below.
18 Things I Do At The Gym
1. Stare at myself in the mirror
2. Fix my hair in the mirror
3. Adjust my mat so that I can see myself in the mirror
4. Check the clock obsessively
5. Check my cell phone somewhat obsessively
6. Nonchalantly check out others
7. Get caught nonchalantly checking out others
8. Blatantly check out the fanny pack wearer, knee sock wearer, jogging juggler members of Equinox
9. Make mental note to self that perhaps I am normal after all
10. Discreetly check out my underarms for possible odor
11. Promise myself I will eat clean the entire day
12. Pray that my trainer will bring me light weights
13. Curse under my breath when he doesn’t
14. Count reps in ridiculous ways to distract myself
15. Lose track of counting reps
16. Blindly stare at the TV screen while doing cardio
17. Take pride when my tank is sweaty
18. Say hello and good bye to Lesley each morning at the front desk whose name is really Dana
PS. Dana says hi back:)

I can relate to some of those…….
Haha , I can totally relate