LOVING the fall/winter edition of the EDITORIALIST magazine. Haven’t fully devoured the issue and already I drew inspiration for today’s outfit. I literally dusted off a box with an Hermes scarf to wear as a belt; something I haven’t worn…
Louboutin Lips
Have you ever ooh’d and aah’d over lipsticks? I did just this past weekend when I opened a gift of 2 Christian Louboutin lipsticks. I literally let out a gasp! You would have too, if you received these jewelry inspired…
Falling for Fall
September has arrived!!! And with that comes all things school and fall related. Reality bites. Being a Jersey girl and spending blissfully relaxing summer days at the beach, it is always a challenge to make the transition back to city…
Dorothee Schumacher
With my feet barely dipping into fall, my eyes are already fixed on pieces from Dorothee Schumacher’s resort 2016 collection. Dorothee Schumacher is a German luxury brand that I recently discovered on Instagram. Lately, I have been drawn towards shoulder…
My Fall Fashion Wish List
With fall officially here, I have a few things on my wish list…
Beautiful Brocades
Brocade is definitely on my radar for fall. I love the rich fabric and am excited to add a little opulence to my wardrobe.